Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22, 2011-Navarre, FL>

We got home from the Keys on Saturday evening. When we left the motel on Saturday morning we drove through The Villages and were amazed how the area has grown in the last few years. The shopping in the area is number one with every store you can think of and a large area devoted to medical needs of the area seniors. There are doctor offices for every ailment and a large hospital.
After leaving we went to Ocala and I was able to visit a quilt shop. Walt did a few of the stores in the general walking vicinity.
After leaving Ocala we drove northwest and reached Haines City. We then found route 33 and drove out into the country.. We saw a lot of horse farms between Ocala and Haines City. Suddenly out in the country we came upon an antique shop. We saw a lot of cars so we stopped in for a visit. Well, it turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip. They had fantastic antique furniture which I have never seen. They were very well cleaned and restored. They also had a furniture accessory shop, and knick knack shop , a garden shop and a lovely dining area. We ate our lunch under some trees next to a pond. It was very nice and Walt was one of only a few men. It seems it was very popular with  women. One lady summed up the shops "I could buy everything in the stores for my home, it is so good".
When we reached Perry we decided to continue back to Navarre rather than have another night in a motel. So we continued to Navarre and got home at about 7:45 pm. Then came the time to bring everything into the house and unpack. We both decided that it is much easier to have our RV with us because we then do not have to sleep in a different bed each night and we have everything in our house available to us. I then would not have to remember were I have put everything. HA HA.

Driving under Oak trees with low hanging moss
A quilt hanging in the quilt shop
Serene farmland in northwestern Florida

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