Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30, 2011--Salem, Oregon

Good morning everyone.

I finally am getting back to blogging about our travels.
Sunday we spent at home and did some R and R. We also did a few things to get ready for travel on Monday. We still were having rain, rain, rain and the Sacramento River is still raising to the flood stage.

Our trip on Monday began at 8 am and we arrived in Salem at about 4:30 pm. It was a long 385 miles because we spent most of the day traveling in the mountains. When you are on the interstate you do not see the visitors attractions without stopping so we hope to do a few things in southern Oregon since we will be here for a month. That time will pass quickly so we will need to plan each day so we can see everything.
Yesterday we did shopping and went to Walt's brothers home for dinner. We hope to spend more time with them when they are not working.

Here are some pictures of our travel to Salem.
When we started our day of travel we reached the mountains just a few miles north of Redding. This is a picture of a lake with the morning fog over the water. It was a very beautiful site.
I believe this is Mount Shasta and we must go around its' base to get to Oregon
This is another view of the mountains. We have not reached the snow in the mountains but we were climbing higher.

We are finally seeing some snow along the roadsides.
After this mountain we started down the mountains at a 6% grade for 8 miles.
It is a chore to keep the 8 ton rig behind us from pushing us down the mountain.
When we reached the bottom we saw a large valley with cow cafe herds. It was a nice break from the mountains.
Then we climbed up another set of mountains and when we got to the other side we were in Oregon.
We had a very safe trip.

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