Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 8 and 9, 2011---Tour of the Oregon Coast

On Friday morning we left with Mark and Karen for the Oregon seacoast. It was scheduled to be a good day without rain. Well, it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining but we needed coats by the seacoast. We started our tour at Tillamook Cheese Factory. We had been at the factory before but it was interesting to see how process had changed. There was much less hands and more machinery. They make a variety of cheeses and they are also known for their excellent ice cream. We did try the ice cream before we continued our trip.

When we left the cheese factory we drove to the coast. Mark took us on some back roads and we saw some of the off the beaten path sights.
The tide is out

We suddenly were lost. As we hunted for the coast we came to this sign. We had never seen a dead end sign with three areas. All we wanted to do was turn right for the coast.
Yes, we did see the ocean. It was a beautiful day at the beach.

More beauty

Walt and myself with Bart
Sand Dunes
Amazing beauty
An end to a beautiful day
Taken in Newport, Oregon

Saturday April 9, 2011

While the women shop the men find some sea lions resting on some wood slats near
the pier

A pier with a bridge in the background.---Newport, OR
Karen and myself with a hot chocolate break before we leave Corvallis, OR to meet Mark and Karen's daughter for lunch.
We had a delightful  lunch at a Thai Restaurant near the Oregon State University.
When we returned to Salem we finished our trip with a few glasses of wine. Walt had collected a selection of different wines on our trip.


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