Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 17, 2011---Cody, Wyoming

We started the day by stopping at the Buffalo Bill Dam on our way to Cody. We had driven past it many times but had never stopped to take pictures. The Dam is a part of the system that controls the water and melted snow that comes from the mountains in this area.

This is one of 3 tunnels we went through when we went to Cody.

After leaving the dam we went to the Buffalo Bill Museum in Cody. It was a good museum with a natural history museum, Indian museum, a Bill Cody museum and an Art museum. They had a large amount of bronze statues and cowboy art, which was very interesting.

Sage Grouse
Just for you, Max

Prairie Madonna
Then at 7 pm we were at the rodeo so we could get our special seat before the rodeo started at 8 pm. It was a race to get to the best seats in the house . They had a fairly full stadium but t was cold and windy. We brought our Ohio State Blanket and started many conversations with the emblem of OSU.  The couple sitting next to me were foreigners and did not speak any English. They were very interested in the rodeo and seemed to laugh and yell at the appropriate times, so they must have understood English.

Cowboy preparing for bull ride

Bulls waiting in bull pen

Cowboys getting bulls ready to ride
Rodeo Master of Ceremonies
Riding the Bucking Bronco
Calf Roping
Wranglers getting a bucking  bronco under control
This bronc is hard to get under control
The Rodeo clown it telling the kids from the audience how to pull a ribbon off of a calfs tail to win prizes
Roping a calf
Not a good way to get off a bulls back

Well all good things must come to an end. See you soon

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