Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 19, 2011---Mt. Hood, Oregon

I am a little behind on my blog because we had terrible Verizon phone and Internet service the last few days.
Tonite it is back to normal so I hope I can catch up.

We went to Mt. Hood on Tuesday. We left Salem at about 10 am. and arrived at the Timberline Lodge at the highest point for skiing on the mountain. It was a pleasant sunny day in the valley but it was 30 degrees on the mountain. One of the ski lifts which went to the highest point on the mountain was covered with snow. They had 560 inches of snow for this current season. They are expecting more snow tonight.---this is Wednesday night.

We went to the Timberline Lodge because one of the fellows in the park told Walt that is the way to see the mountain and also partake of their lunch in the lodge restaurant. Well, he was right. The food was fantastic. I did not have to make supper last night because we really enjoyed our lunch.

Here are a few pictures to tell the story of our visit to Mt. Hood.
First glimpse of the mountain

As we turned on the Timberlake Lodge road (6 miles long) we really saw snow.

As we wound our way up the mountain we finally saw the snow covered mountain---note how high the snow is according to the small car about ready to go behind the snow on the side of the road

The snow has been melting and freezing so you see icicles on the snow pills.
The Timberlake Lodge in the middle of snow piles
View from our table in the dining room
View of skiers from the third floor of Lodge
View of snow on the roof of the lodge and the tunnel which is the main entry to the lodge. The tunnel is the object in the left lower corner.
The steps on the inside go into the lodge which was built in 1936. It is an old dark building on the inside with restrooms on the ground floor only. There were 3 floors with about 75 guest rooms.

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