Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20, 2011---Oregon Garden, Silverton, Oregon

Today is Wednesday and we went to the Oregon Gardens this afternoon. We enjoyed a tram ride and then we walked the gardens. We arrived home at about 5 p.m. It was getting colder by that time and it was nice to get home. Tonight we have winds and it is supposed to snow above 3500 feet.

Here are a few of spring flowers at the gardens

The first flowers we saw when we entered the parking lot. We were here in 2004 and the gardens opened in 2001. They have added many points of interest in the last 10 years.

A blooming bed of spring flowers

A few blossoms on a Dogwood tree

This is a quilt which hangs in the gift shop at the Oregon Gardens. It is a quilt called "Wind Dance" and it is a applique quilt with a great deal of thread painting. I would love to make a quilt similar to this quilt using one of my photos of our travels. The artists technique was wonderful.

This is the Gordan House which was moved adjacent to the gardens from another site in the state. It is designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and we went through the home when we were here in 2004.

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