Monday, May 16, 2011

May 13, 14, 15, 16, 2011--South Prairie, WA

May 13, 2011-Baldy Mountain

Even though we had a long day on Thursday, Friday saw us up and at it, again. Walt did a hike up Baldy Mountain with Bonnie. I stayed at home and did some more sewing on my quilt project.
Walt started the hike at 10 am. and they got to the top at about noon. Bonnie had brought a lunch and then they started the hike down the mountain. He got home at about 2 pm and was sleeping in his recliner in 2 minutes.
The view of Enumclaw from Baldy Mountain
Mt Rainier from Mt. Baldy

On Friday evening we had Bonnie and Tom at our house for the shrimp we had bought at Poulsbo on Thursday. These shrimp were caught by the Indians. The Indians had a special right to catch the shrimp for four days before the shrimp season would open for the public. These shrimp were large with their heads still intact. We got 15-20 per pound and we had 2 pounds. I had made whole shrimp before so Bonnie said I could do it. They were very surprised at the flavor---they were very sweet and said the meat tasted like lobster. We had brats, which we had purchased at a meat market in Mt. Angel, OR., rice, grilled asparagus, Farro salad (by Bonnie) and tapioca for dessert and wine. Our appetizer was cheese and crackers and chips and dip. After dinner we took a walk on the walking path along the river.   

May 14, 2011---Funky Junk in Puyallup and Farmers Market

This was Saturday so Bonnie and Tom met us at our house to go to breakfast. We went to Sumner for our breakfast and then we separated. Tom and Walt went to a wood workers shop and a farmers market while Bonnie and I went to Puyallup for a "Funky Junk" show. We did not know for sure what we were getting into but I had seen a small show of this in Salem. Well, we got there at about 10:15 am and left at 4 pm. We hardly took time for a quick lunch at the show. I cannot describe the show except that it was a show of article old and new which have been recycled and changed to add as accents in your home or closet. I picked up a few small items for only a few dollars for each item. It was a blast......
For dinner we got to B and T's house to meet the boys and decided to go to the Yellow Beak in Enumclaw for a chef salad. The salad was huge and I shared it with Walt.

May 15, 2011---South Prairie, WA

Sunday was a day of rest.

May 16, 2011---Federal Way, WA

Today was a trip to Federal Way to have my Nook checked because I had it charged and it would not come on. Well, I tried all kinds of things to get it to turn on so naturally, when the tech. person plugged it in and pushed the switch and it came on. Well, it works fine right now. Hard telling what it was all about but it works well---even while using it this evening.
Tomorrow is another day. Goodnight

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