Hi Everyone---since my last blog we have been very very busy, so I am putting the last week on one blog.
The day I will begin with is last Tuesday - April 26, 2011--- Willamette River Fishing Trip.
The preparation was the best---Walt went to somewhere in Salem to get his 1 day fishing license. Then we gathered all of his articles for the trip--a cooler, rain poncho, shoes, lunch, etc. He was so excited about the trip and kept rechecking his list of things to bring on the trip. He had them on the kitchen table and he did not allow any of items to be moved.
He got up before five a.m. because his brother was going to be here at about 5:10 a.m. Mark was on time (he always is on time) and I happened to get up just in time to say goodbye to Walt. Of course, Bart and I went back to bed.
They were going to go on the trip with a fishing guide (retired State Highway Patrolman) who had the boat and a retired judge. They drove to Portland and set the boat in the water on the Willamette River close to the Columbia River and the Ocean. They were looking for salmon which were coming from the ocean and going up the Willamette to spawn. The water was still very cold so they did not know if they would hook and salmon. They were trolling with poles in the water which had herring on the hook. The judge caught the first fish and then another fish took the hook and this pole was given to Walt. They talk about how these fish can fight but Walt's fish came up out of the water and just laid in the water until they had it in the net. Walt said he had 23 people (ha ha) hollowing at him telling him how to land the fish. It was a 15 pound Chinook Salmon. He also caught another small salmon which had been released up stream from a nursery. Walt said it was hardly bigger than the herring bait, so that catch he released. Mark caught a salmon which was about 18 pounds and was bigger than his big brother's fish. All in all ,they were very happy with the results because a lot of the other fisherman on the river did not apparently catch any salmon.
When they came home the fish was gutted but they waited for Karen and I to see the fish before they cut them up and bagged them for the freezer. They got home sometime after 4 pm because Karen and I went to the movie theater to see "Water for the Elephants". It was a great book but the movie was not quite as interesting as the book. They altered the material slightly and the two main actors did not quite match.
During the day I had gone shopping and had my nails done----Just a day for myself.
When Karen and I got at Mark and Karen's home the guys had a picture taken and then they processed the fish----what a long day for the guys.
It was raining and cold on the river
Walt and Mark with their fish
Walt's fish close up
Mark's Fish
April 27, 2011---Karen's Birthday
Wednesday was a prep time for traveling and some other chores. In the evening we met Karen and Mark for dinner at a great seafood restaurant in Salem. Happy Birthday, Karen
April 28, 2011---Enumclaw, WA.
Walt went to mass before we traveled to Enumclaw. We left at about 9:30 and were pretty well set-up by 2:30. We ate lunch and then did a travel around the area to acquaint us to the area. We are in South Prairie, Washington about 15 minutes from Bonnie and Tom. (Bonnie is my sister). The camp is about a 3 rating compared to the 12 rating we gave to the site in Salem. We will survive and I can see sunsets when we are at home.
April 29, 2011---Dentist
Walt had noticed some more pain in the tooth he had been treating with 2 doses of antibiotics. Then yesterday he woke up with a huge swollen check and jaw. So when I talked to Bonnie yesterday I asked her to make an appointment with a dentist in Enumclaw. So we went to mass in her church this morning and then went to the dentist. Needless to say, he is scheluded for a root canal on May 3rd in Enumclaw. In the meantime, he is on antibiotics and a pain med. The pain med. makes him very tired but the pain is less. At noontime we went to a hardware store who had free lunchs. They had barbecue sandwichs which they felt were not spicy. Well, I suffered the rest of the day because of the chicken sandwich. At the end of the day, Bonnie made us a wonderful supper. She is an excellent cook.
April 30, 2011---Enumclaw, WA.
Today is Saturday, so our first treat was to go out for breakfast. We went to the Senior center in Enumclaw for a pancake breakfast. They had the breakfast as a fund raiser for the youth activities in Enumclaw. They also had live music which was very good.
Then we went back to Bonnie and Tom's and spread out from there. Bonnie and I went shopping==Kohls was our first stop and Costco was the second stop. The guys stayed home==Walt slept a few hours and then they went to a lumber yard for free hotdogs and doing male things at the hardware.
Before we ate dinner we went to Mass in Enumclaw and then Bonnie made dinner for us. It was a chinese dish tonight. After dinner we went home to see how Bart had done throughout the day.
May 1, 2011---Lacy, WA.
Walt's swelling has gone down, but he continues to use the pain meds. He complained how tired he feels--so I tried to reasure him that the pain med. does that to him. This morning we slept late and ate lunch before we were picked up by Tom and Bonnie. We had planned a drive to Lacey, WA. to attend The United States Army Field Band. It was held in the high school gymnasium which had very hard chairs with very cold air conditioning. They played for 2 hours so it was 5 pm when we left Lacy. We drove to Bonny Lake and ate at a very nice restaurant. Their food was wonderful. The show was great as always-B and T had never heard a military band so they were quite surprised. The one reason we attended was that Bonnie knew a friend who had a daughter playing in the band, so we were very happy to meet her and her husband. Her mother is from Michigan and is traveling in Paris at the present time.
May 2, 2011---South Prairie, WA.
It is raining today --- so we will do laundry and shopping this afternoon. A quiet day after the busy days of the past week.
I will be with you after Walt's root canal on Wednesday.
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