Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 13, 2011---South Prairie, WA update

This is a quick outline of our activities during the past 10 days.
May 3, 2011----Happy Birthday Bonnie.

Today Walt recupped and I worked on the quilt I am piecing. We then went to B and T for dinner. B likes to cook and her choice was to cook for us on her birthday. After dinner B and T's son, his wife and two children came to the house and we enjoyed the evening with a visit and birthday dessert.
Some pictures of the park we are presently at in South Prairie.......

May 4, 2011---Root Canal day

We left the house at about 8 a.m. and traveled to Auburn for Walt's 9 a.m. appointment. It took 2 full hours of treatment and then we went back home. Walt slept and I started on the quilt again. This was the first sunny day since we arrived in Washington.

May 5, 2011---Happy Birthday, Duane

This was a major quilting day---Walt did a walk with one of the neighboring ladies and then he did some errands.

May 6, 2011---Boeing and Ikea

We went to Mass in Enumclaw and then at about 9 a.m we were at B and T's. They had a plumbing problem so it was a little later when they left for Everett. Walt, Tom and his son Jim drove to Boeing in Everett to go through the tour to see how the planes are made and they also saw some of the new compost planes they are building.
Bonnie and I went to Auburn so she could have some routine blood work done and then we ate lunch at a nice little cafe. Our next activity was to go to IKEA. I had been in an IKEA in North Carolina so I wanted to see another store. This store is in the city of Auburn and it also had a parking garage. The store itself was a little different but generally the same. When we got home the guys were about home so she made dinner for us. B loves to cook so sometimes she would rather do that than go out to dinner.

May 7, 2011---Saturday Breakfast

This was Saturday so we went to breakfast with B and T in Enumclaw and then we went back home. I did some sewing and Walt took a drive out in the country. He drove up to a Farmers Market in the area and came home with a nice bouquet of mixed foliage and some of the most beautiful tulips. (I had to throw them out this morning because they were really droopy.

May 8, 2011---Mom's Day

This was the day for Mass--we went to a small little church in Buckley, Washington. We had gone to this church on last Friday and I thought we could go back to the church on Sunday. It is a small white frame church with a fairly small steeple and quite cozy on the inside.

After Mass Walt took me out for Mother's Day lunch in Bonney Lake and then we  got some essentials at Walmart. A nice quiet day.

May 9, 2011---Mt. Rainer and Wild Rose Quilt Shop

The day started off very overcast, so after lunch we decided to check out a quilt shop and Ben Franklin.
Well, we got to the quilt shop in Orting called the Wild Rose. It was a nice shop but I could not find the pink fabric I wanted for a sewing project I was wanting to complete. When we left the shop we saw the sun had appeared and Mt. Rainier was out in full glory so we decided on a trip up the mountain.

It was a nice drive and I got numerous pictures........

More in next post-----

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