Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 22, 2011--Welcome, Minnosota

Today is Wednesday and we have just started our trek to Minnesota. We got a late start today because Walt had to fill the truck with diesel, also, we are not accustomed to the time change. I am moving slow this morning so I am glad we had  other things to do and I did not have to be on a strict time table. It is 8:45 and we just crossed the Missouri River. It is expected to raise 7 more feet by Saturday which will make it close to the underside of the bridge. The weather is overcast and still very windy. There are huge black clouds to the northwest  with the wind from the same area. I hope we can stay out of the rain today.   We are now seeing an absolutely large area of low land which is flooded. There are nice green hay and corn fields on the high area – I hope the farmer did not have crops in the flooded area.

We have been driving for an hour and we are close to Mt. Vernon -319- exit and we continue to see water in the ditches and fields. There have been many corn fields with water in them. We have been driving in a continuous drizzle and under very gray skies. Walt continues to feel the power of the wind on the steering wheel.

When 10:30 arrived Walt took a turn off of 90 and drove into the Cabelis parking lot and parked beside some other RV’s. One couple from Eastern Ohio had parked their motor home because of the wind. Well, it was a nice break to stop, even though it was not a girlie store.

When we got back on the road we continued on to Minnasota. The corn is growing very nicely but we continue o see water in the corn rows. All the creeks are overflowing and it is raining right now.

When we got to Welcome, Minnasota we found our park very easily and set up without any rain. It is 70 degrees now and very humid. We have not felt that humidity for a long long time.

Well, it is time for supper. Hope you had a good day.

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