Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 23, 2011---Ames, Iowa

ON THE ROAD AGAIN:  This is Thursday and we are leaving Welcome, MN  and driving east on 90. The weather is very overcast and we are in a very heavy mist,( not rain) but, enough to get wet. We have a short pull of 185 miles. I pray everything goes well.

I was working on the computer so I did not see everything, but I did notice some fields which were flooded in the low areas. We also had some very dark clouds and rain racing from the north to the south. The crops which were not under water looked very good but about 3 -4 weeks behind the usual year. There will be no knee high corn by the 4th of July in this area in 2011.

We were moving right along when Walt decided to stop for a break. We were at the Iowa Welcome Center. It always was a neat place to stop but it has changed dramatically. There is a Burger King, Casino, and 2 motels.  In the welcome center they have always had a gift shop on the second floor but now it is fantastic. They have many handmade items, in fact, 90% of the items are made in Iowa.

The Iowa scenery was becoming more and more familiar as we drove south on 35. We saw more wind farms on the horizon. The wind turbines are so beautiful dancing across the horizon. It just makes good sense to use these for alternative energy.

When we took the Story City exit we were back in a very familiar area. The town is a small Norwegian community with all of its order and cleanliness. Ames is about 12 miles south of Story City. We got parked quickly  even though we had to get our “lego blocks” out and raise one set of wheels. It still is very dark and on the verge of raining.

When we got settled I made lunch quickly and then Walt left to go to his old workplace to visit with friends. I took a nap and then worked on the computer.

We will be here until Monday morning and then we will travel for 2 days to Howe, Indiana to get our RV checked and repaired for another year of travel.

Talk to you soon.

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