Thursday, June 23, 2011

June16, 2011---Cody, Wyoming

This is Thursday and we did not leave home until about 1 pm. We drove to Cody and on the way I took some pictures of the scenery we see when we drive east to Cody.

When we left the dam we drove to a quilt shop in Cody. It was in an industrial area in a wood sided shop. It had been in the quilt magazine that picks 10 best shops a year. Well, it had so much fabric and quilts I was overwhelmed. I spent an hour just meandering through the many little rooms. I did find 2 unusual patterns. I will have to do them up this summer.
When we left the quilt shop we drove to downtown Cody and parked near some shops that looked interesting. The first shop was great. It had furnishings and accessories for western homes. It was called the Reindeer Ranch. I will have to look on line to see how their web site is designed. It could be interesting. I went to 2 more nice shops and then I met Walt and we ate supper and waited for the rodeo to begin at 8 pm. Well, when 7 pm came and it was raining and cold we decided to use our tickets on Friday night. We were able to do that so we went home early .
Tomorrow in another day. Goodnight.

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