Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3, 2011--Aluquerque day 4

Well, we are still warm but no water. The nights have been way below zero and with a wind chill  so keeping warm and pipes from freezing has been a full time job. We have our fireplace, Eden pure, furnace on trying to keep the basement warm. So Walt went out yesterday and got another ceramic heater for the basement. We had 24 degrees in the basement when he got the heater so we do not know if our water lines are okay. The park has all of the water facets frozen so we have been buying water in large containers for "spit baths", cooking, and drinking. I finally washed dishes today--I had not washed dishes since Sunday.

I have been kept busy cleaning cupboards, organizing my scrap booking supplies and mentally planning Molly's quilt. Walt has been a little less fortunate. TV gets real tiring after a while. We have only a few inches of snow so he walks in the afternoon when the sun warms things up a little bit. We have had a lot of wind chill problems so walking is not always an option.

We could be worse off. A lot of people in the area do not have gas and electricity. There are 24,000 people in New Mexico without natural gas for heat and cooking. There are shelters set up in the towns were they do not have these things we take for granted.

Here are a few pictures of the winter scenery around us.


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