Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 2 and 3, 2011---Visiting with Friends

I have really been messing up on my titles for the day. It seems I have not told you anything about Walt's Reds Game that he went to in Phoenix. He had forgotten to take the camera along with him so I did not have any pictures for your entertainment.

He went to the game on last Tuesday afternoon. The Reds played the Oakland A's. The game was at the Oakland A's training field and the opening day for the A's. The crowd was very small for the A's, but the Red's audience was fairly good. The Red's did win the game 7 to 6. He said it was an exciting game but it did not measure up to the high school game last week. That would be hard to bet. The weather was a bit different. At this game it was 89 degrees while we were a bit cool at the high school game. Walt would like to go to another game on Sunday when the Red's play on their home field. When he has done that game he can cross out another entry on his "Bucket List".

We have 4 days left in Phoenix and we still have many things we would like to do before we live this area.
The past 2 days were quite enjoyable. Yesterday(Wednesday) we spent time with a couple whom Walt worked with in Iowa. They were originally from Ohio and Walt has known them for many years. They come down to the Mesa area and stay in their home for the winter months and then go back to Iowa for the summer. We hope to see them in the spring when we travel thru Ames on our way back to Ohio. We had so many things to talk about that we spent the greater part of the day with them. We had gone out to lunch and then we went to a special market for fruits and vegetables called the Superstition Market. Superstition comes from the mountains in this area. The market was very "plain Jane", but was filled with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. You needed to know your prices but when they had a bargain it was good. We got some strawberries in a half crate for four dollars and fifty cents. They taste very good but we need to eat them rather fast because they are ripe. Then we drove around and ended up at our R.V. We visited for a few minutes and then we went back to their house to get our truck. It was really an enjoyable afternoon.

Today we went to Florence, AZ to visit a friend from Ames whom we were very close to when we lived in that area. We had done monthly Bible studies with 5 couples for many years so we knew all of them very well. Our friend and his wife had gone to Florence for many years in winter. His wife died a few years ago and he has started going back to Florence again. He has met a wonderful lady and they are now planning a wedding so we were privileged to meet his very nice fiance. She is a gracious lady and we had a wonderful time with her and our friend.
They gave us a tour of Florence and we visited the church they attend daily. The original  church is the oldest Adobe Church in Arizona and the first Catholic Church in Arizona. They have a new church which was built in the early 1900's after the second church burned in the late 1800's. They use the old church for a chapel and the other adobe buildings with it are offices and meeting rooms. The church and other buildings are around a center courtyard like all other churches we have seen in this state.
Florence is known for the 5 prisons which are located around the town. Our hostess had been a counselor in the jails for many years. She traveled across the state with her job. She was originally from Gailsburg, Illnois.

After our tour of Florence we went back to the house and we had a very nice lunch. By the time we got home the sun was getting ready to go down and it was time for dinner. A busy but wonderful day. Visiting friends has been one of the great things about our life style. These people passed through our life and it is great to be with them again.

Church of the Assumption

The old Adobe Church of the Assumption

Entrance to the courtyard of the old Adobe Church.

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