Friday, March 25, 2011

March 25, 2011---Redding, CA.

Happy Birthday Jack!!!!!!
It is our grandsons birthday today.
We are in Redding, CA--------yes, we did not move. The weather forecaster gave the following account this evening----10 to 30 foot snow drifts in the mountains. The interstate 5 was closed this morning and opened later this evening. They are expecting precipitation in the area again tonight. If we cannot move tomorrow we will wait until Monday to move (we do not move on Sunday).

We did have rain and hail this afternoon.   Walt was getting a lot of cabin fever while I worked on our tax report. (I do have to get another way of doing this annual duty).

It is really bad when you can only take pictures of squirrels gathering their food for bad times.
Our neighbor scatters seeds on the picnic table every morning.

Hail, Hail, Hail!!!

Troy Aiden

Troy with his big sister Colleen and big brothers Jack and Max. Max was playing doctor on his visit to the hospital


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