Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 4, 2011---Scottsville, AZ.

We had another great day. Walt went to Mass and after lunch we went to Scottsdale to visit the Frank Lloyd Wright House and School. Very impressive. We have seen 2 other FLW Homes and this was even more different than  any of the others. Falling Waters was one of his masterpieces in the 1930's and then the depression hit. His wife pushed him to start a school to keep the home fires burning. He was a very poor financial person but certainly knew how to spend his money so he was always broke and died in debt. He spent all of his money and did not pay any bills. When he died in his nineties he was bankrupted and did not leave his children anything except his reputation. Two of his sons worked with him in his later years. One of his sons designed the Lincoln Logs and was very rich because he patented the idea.

Our tour was supposed to take 90 minutes and it was almost 2 hours. The tour guide was an older lady who lived in Scottsdale and had graduated from the Chicago Art Institute. She was very entertaining and always kept your attention.

One of many views of the FLW House.

Sculpture done by an sculpturer at the school
 After the tour we headed back to Mesa and we hit rush hour traffic. It was very slow so I had time to take some pictures of the beautiful stone fences and cement impressions along the interstate. It is very pleasing to the environemt of interstate travel.

A geeko climbing a wall

All along the interstate where there were large open areas and hills they used colored stones and made ribbons of design. Some of the designs were circular, triangluar, and swishes.

A stone and cement wall

Look for more tomorrow.

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