Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 21, 2011--Santa Nella, CA

We left our campsite at the lake and traveled back to Paso Robles to head to a more northern park.
We changed our northern route to route 5 so we covered some of the same roadway as we did when we came to Paso Robles. We left the park with a heavy fog over the lake. As we left the park we started to see more mud slides and water flowing down the road. The green mountains looked like the grass had grown overnight. I have a hard time deciding upon which is my favorite mountain--the gentle rolling hills and high mountains or the rugged snow topped mountain. They have different beauty.
We did not travel any mountains today and arrived in Santa Stella at about 1 pm. We parked and the local person in the office encouraged us to go to the Andersons restaurant and have some Pea Soup. Well, we did not have pea soup but we enjoyed some other choices. My choice was a fruit plate. It was more than what I could eat so I took a doggie bag home. Walt had a meatloaf dinner. We have noticed that they all put gravy over their meatloaf while we were always accustomed to catsup.
In the morning we will move again. That's all folks.

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