Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20,2011--Polo Robles and Templeton, CA

I am down to the last thing on my list. I have been double tasking all day and it is almost 9 pm so I have scratched many things off of my list for today. I may be a little old fashioned or forgetful when I get a kick out of seeing on a piece of paper the things I have gotten finished for one day.
Our day today was a bit uneventful. When we got up this morning it was still raining, so we got ready for mass in Polo Robles at 9:30 am. We had to leave for mass at 9:15 and we got there just in time for mass. The roads we had to travel are very curvy and it takes a while to navigate the 25 or so miles. We passed thru water on the roads and a lot of mud slides. Neither were real severe but we had to slow down for them.
After mass we ate lunch at Margie's Cafe. The meals were so big that I took about 3/4 of my meal home. Walt and I divided it for supper and we had plenty. Good food but way to much.

When Walt and Bart took their walk this afternoon they saw 3 more deer and they were wet from head to toe.

Tomorrow is a drive to Gustine, California. It will not be a long drive so we hope to poke around in the new area in the afternoon.

Goodnight from wet California.

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